"He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that
which he hath given will he pay him again". Proverbs 19:17
which he hath given will he pay him again". Proverbs 19:17
Because HIV is ravaging families and communities, there are countless total and semi-orphan children throughout Kenya. In Kenya many orphans have been totally abandoned, forced to live on the streets, eating from the garbage. Kids of all ages struggle each day without any hope, feeling unwanted, unloved, without purpose in life. These children are living, breathing, feeling people just like you and me.
Will you help them before it's to late? Your help will provide food, clothing, shelter, school expenses, and medical needs. Your support will also help widows, often with many children, left to struggle each day for even one meal. Every one of Pastor Calvince's churches has taken in several homeless kids, even though it is a hardship for the pastors or members who have taken it on themselves to provide for them they have to struggle day by day wondering how the next meal will be provided for their own families. Donate for orphan outreach here |