Preaching the Gospel in Africa
And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15
Africa... a continent filled with wonder... amazing beauty.... distinct cultures... but in Africa there is also darkness, hopelessness, deadly diseases, unceasing hardship and utter poverty...
In the nation of Africa, churches and Christian organizations have been working for years to bring people the Gospel of Jesus Christ.. But in the very remote areas of Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda there are still many groups of people who have been unreached with the Gospel message. Many of these groups follow spirit worship, cult teachings, and other false doctrines. The deadly disease of AIDS leaves many women widowed, and numerous children as orphans, lost and alone, struggling to find a place in life... or even to eat one meal each day... |
Freedom and Truth Ministries reaches those who are still unreached with the Gospel. We have also been planting churches in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Our vision is to keep reaching out to more nations of Africa who are still unreached with the salvation message of Jesus Christ and to reach out to the poor and disabled, the orphans, AIDS victims, and widows.
You can sponsor a native missionary in Kenya for a one time gift of only $360 for a whole year or for a gift of only $30 per month. Your gift will help to provide the physical needs of a missionary and his family and the needs of the many orphans living with his family in Kenya. Your gift will also help to provide transportation and Gospel supplies. Help to provide a motorbike so another Gospel team can reach hundreds of distant villages with the gospel of Jesus Christ. |