The Blind Can See!!!
Pastor Calvince, an ICII missionary from the nation of Kenya shared this:
"I was preaching the Gospel in one of my branch churches in the remote areas of Kenya. We had a loudspeaker outside the church so those in the neighborhood could hear the Word of God. One elderly man named Peterchore who was a practicing witchdoctor for the past forty years came into the church. He had been blind for eighteen years and his wife was deaf and mute. They both were bound up by many demonic bondages. That day, Peterchore humbly repented and accepted Christ into his life! After my ministry team prayed for him, his eyes were opened and Jesus healed him from his blindness! That same evening, I traveled to Peterchore's house and helped him to burn all of the witchcraft items he had been using for many long years. Peterchore's wife also received the Lord and is hearing much better also! After this, Peterchore got on fire for the Lord and he began sharing his testimony of what the Lord had done for him! Months after his conversion, Peterchore went home to be with the Lord. We rejoice that this man repented, received eternal life and is in heaven now!” To sponsor a native missionary from Kenya or to help equip missionaries to preach the Gospel so the work of God's kingdom can continue please click here. |