COVID-19 Testimony Page
A Starving Widow and her Seven Children Receive Food: “I am Norah, a mother with seven children. I have been living on only water and millet now for four days since the COVID-19 [shutdown] began in Kenya. The government shut down everything, and now I am in my house with all my children and I don’t have anything in the house to help me feed my family. I am happy and thankful for the donations of food a missionary gave me. I have food now to feed my family for the next ten days and I am so happy. May God bless all of you who donated the food for my family. God bless you more than you can ask of Him!”
Food For A Widow With Eleven Children: “My name is Margaret Awino and I am a mother of 11 children. I am a widow and I have been suffering very much since the beginning of COVID-19. The government shut everything down and I didn’t have any means to feed my children. For the last six days we only survived on one meal a day which is just cassava and some potatoes. But I thank God that when I had almost lost hope in everything, Pastor Calvince and his team visited my house and gave us food donations, which was like a miracle from God in my life and my children. I am glad that right now we are going to have food so we can survive. I am so very grateful for everyone who blessed our life with the food. May God add blessings to you all more and more!”
Thankful to God! “My name is Lillian Okongo and I am a widow with five children. Since the government lockdown I could not go to work and I have been having a very tough life feeding my children and myself. It is a miracle that one day, two missionaries from ICII came to my home and gave me food. I am so very happy and thankful to God for the maize, rice, beans, and cooking oil. Now I have food to eat in my house and my family is saved from starvation. Please may you all be blessed and continue with the heart of compassion”.
Food for Widow and her Grandchildren: “I am so happy and more excited than my words can say. I am a widow and 67 years old and since Corona came, I have just been in my house. No one cared about me and my grandchildren. But I thank God who has used the ministry of Pastor Calvince to bless others. Through Pastor Calvince, I am now eating well. I hope that God will continue to use his ministry to bless more families like he blessed my life. All the food he gave me has been a great source of help to me and my grandchildren. I must say that I am so lucky to be among families that are blessed with food. Since Corona began, some of my neighbors have died of hunger because of the lack of food. May God bless all the donors and supporters of Pastor Calvince’s ministry. I love you all with love of Christ”.
Grateful to the Lord! “I am Magdalina. I almost lost hope of life due to lack of food and starvation. I thank God that at that time, God used Pastor Calvince to bless me and my family with food. Corona made things so rough and it forced me and my 3 children to survive on only porridge daily. May God bless the ministry of Pastor Calvince. Surely he is a true man of God. He gave me food and now my children can get three meals a day because I have food to cook and give to them. May God bless all the donors. May God abundantly bless all the givers”.